Standard CPAP Water Chamber for AirSense S10 CPAP Machines
It has a gasket seal around the lip of the water chamber. The chamber opens for cleaning and filling. This is a standard water chamber and is not designed to be put in the dishwasher. This chamber is compatible with the following machines:
AirSense™ 10 CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
AirSense™ 10 Elite CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
AirSense™ 10 AutoSet CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
AirSense™ 10 AutoSet for Her CPAP Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
AirStart™ 10 CPAP with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
AirStart™ 10 Auto CPAP with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
AirCurve™ 10 S BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier
AirCurve™ 10 VAuto BiLevel Machine with HumidAir™ Heated Humidifier