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Fully Disposable. Fully Reliable Sleep Apnea Testing At Home
WatchPAT ONE is a one-time use, disposable home sleep apnea test that offers the same accuracy and reliability as other WatchPAT products. Connected via a smartphone app, the device transmits 7 channels of data to the cloud, allowing for quick and automated review of the study results by the clinician.
High Accuracy with Central Sleep Apnea Identification
The WatchPAT ONE Home Sleep Apnea Test is clinically-proven to detect all types of sleep apnea events. With the advanced Central PLUS Module, CSA and Cheyne-Stokes Respiration can be identified with up to 95% accuracy. This reliable test offers an in-depth analysis of your sleep quality for the best possible diagnosis.
Sleep better with WatchPAT ONE, the disposable home sleep apnea test. Its True Sleep Time technology reduces the risk of misdiagnosis and misclassification by up to 20%, providing reliable results for your diagnosis.
WatchPAT ONE Tracks the following: